Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blog #1: "Me By the Numbers"

            I have never held numbers to any real important significance to me outside of my various math classes. However, these are a few instances of numbers which have value to me as a person.
Numbers are cool, but what are the real uses of such?
            The first number that has impacted me would be the number 2. This number is important to me on two fronts. Firstly, on its relevance to my brother and I always being the pair to take on the world. We were the “2 Dailey boys,” just as willing to cause some mischief or be the extra help needed in everyday house chores and bigger jobs like mowing the 4 acres of land our grandparents owned. Whenever times were really up in the air, knowing that I had a brother to back me up, and me to him is one of the most comforting and closest-held thought to my whole being.

While this is not a picture as I do not have one on hand,
but this is similar to the type of pictures we would take as tots.
            This number gained more significance in 3rd grade, where my younger sister came into the world, now not only did I have a younger brother a few years apart from my own age, but a small baby sister from which to share my wisdom and dumb puns with. I can remember being frightened by the new task of having to partially help raise this small girl, I did not really know what I was up against. My brother and I got along so well, (and not so well at times) as a result of being close enough in age, this in turn and also being guys, we liked the same things. I did not know how to be a big brother to a little sister, but I am eternally grateful to be that person for her. These 2 siblings are my best friends in the world and I would not trade them for anything. In fact, I can state hardheartedly that I would trade myself for them if it came down to it.
We aren't this close however.
            This number also has significance to me directly marked toward my own birth. I was born premature, the 2 being in that my weight was extremely small at 2 pounds 9 ounces. With the complications of my birth, it is a wonder as to my survival, as many others before me that would also be considered premature have had either medical disabilities or not at all, as t. As their small bodies were not developed enough to live outside the womb. The CDC even claims, “Preterm birth is the greatest contributor to infant death, with most preterm-related deaths occurring among babies who were born very preterm (before 32 weeks).” I was a lucky one. I would contribute my own life to that of my parents having the intuition to be around Grand Rapids during my expected arrival so that I would have the best chance at life. This best chance was given to me by the city, being the home of Spectrum Health, a hospital which specialized in ‘preemies,’ and to that of the various doctors and nurses who worked tirelessly to keep me breathing.

This is the the logo of the same hospital that I was born in.
            The next number I would mark significance to myself would be the number 67, this ties into my birth as 67 is a rather nice number in both my parent’s minds, it is after this day that I was given a good bill of health and was allowed to go home after spending the extra two months in and out of an incubator.
This child is not a picture of me at this age. Although this is a representation of
what I did look like at the time, granted my head was much bigger and bulbous.
Another number of note is that of the number 5, my birthday is September 5th, specifically in the year 1997, this happened to be Labor day, it is a little ironic on the grounds that my mother was in “labor” during this day meant to recognize laborers themselves (but when you think about it, aren’t mothers some of the hardest-working, yet under-appreciated laborers out there?).
We should probably have more of these holidays

This number, well more specifically in terms of my birthday is important to me because it is always when school seemed to start up again. So I can recall in my youth, always being excited for my birthday coming up only to be reminded that around the corner was a new year of school, which in it of itself I suppose I was excited for, but I couldn’t let my parents know that after all, what sane kid likes school? 
I can remember when I was like this girl
just about every day when i returned from school.

This is not my graduation class, but these are the very same
class colors of my high school back home.
A final number that has impacted me would be that of the number 12, this number signifies the 12th grade of school that I managed to survive and move on to college. Walking across the stage to receive my diploma was and still is one of the happiest moments I have been in my entire life. Knowing that I am one that has had so many others behind me in my corner and lifting me up to that point is really, really nice. I am never alone in this life, and that is beautiful.
Just like this number tree.
 To end, I understand in which ways numbers can be interpreted as important things to remember. While I am one to think of moments before numbers, I now realize that at the same time, you must think of dates, times, etc. Numbers are all around us and will continue to be forever, it is just put onto us to have to intuition to know when to count!